Giovanni Solari – Wind Engineering and Structural Dynamics Research Group

Modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows
Wind Tunnel and Engineering

About Us

Wind Engineering is the rational treatment of the interactions between wind, in the atmospheric boundary layer, and man, in its manifold activities on the surface of the earth.

The Giovanni Solari – Wind Engineering and Structural Dynamics Research Group (GS – WinDyn) at the University of Genova, Italy, has been working in this topic, for over 40 years, at the academic, educational and technical level, with a homogeneous and interdisciplinary approach.

Our main research topic


Atmospheric physics, meteorology and climatology


Wind measurement, modelling and simulation


Bluff-body aerodynamics


Wind-excited and aeroelastic response


Wind effects on infrastructures


Wind energy


Cable Dynamics


Nonlinear dynamics and stability


Human-induced vibrations of footbridges

Our latest news

📢 PhD course announcement! 🤓

Dr. Djordje Romanic from McGill University, Montreal (Canada), who will be visiting our Department at the University of Genoa in June 2024 sponsored by the UniGe Visiting Researcher Program, will deliver a PhD Course on “Science of Storms” in the period 04-25 June.
Lectures will take place on site at the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering at UniGe and online!
📖 Course syllabus and registration
💡 You are all invited to join this interesting course!

Prof. Maria Pia Repetto was recently invited in the episode “Adapting to climate change in Europe” of the ‘CORDIScovery’ podcast organized by CORDIS – the European Commission’s primary public repository and portal to disseminate information on EU Research projects.
She chatted about the ERC project THUNDERR and what we do to detect and model thunderstorm winds!

Listen to the podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

Prof. Luca Caracoglia from Northeastern University (USA) will deliver the hybrid-mode course “Probability-Informed Wind Engineering against Synoptic and Non-Synoptic Wind Hazards” at UniGe during period 17-30 May 2023, as part of a 3-course program.

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Prof. Horia Hangan of Ontario Tech University (Canada) will deliver the hybrid-mode course “Modelling of non-synoptic wind systems” at UniGe during weeks 8-19 May 2023, as part of a 3-course program.

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The hybrid-mode course “Monitoring and analysis of full-scale downburst events and their effects on structural response” will take place during July at UniGe, as part of a 3-course program.

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ANIV Award 2022 conferred to Federico Canepa. Luca Roncallo received special mention

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Federico Canepa awarded the dual Ph.D. degree in Wind Engineering

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Presentation of the new book written by Prof. Giovanni Solari

Il 15 settembre 2021, alle ore 17:45, verrà presentato nel Salone Nobile di Villa Cambiaso, presso la sede della Scuola Politecnica (Google Maps) il libro “Nel Vento e nell’Ingegneria – Il mio viaggio tra esperienze umane e professionali”, del Professor Giovanni Solari.

“Durante i miei studi in ingegneria civile mi sono casualmente imbattuto nel vento e nei suoi effetti sulle costruzioni. Ne è scaturita una folgorazione che è diventata il tema portante della mia esistenza, dando luogo a una triade di aspetti rari: un ragazzo diventato prima ingegnere e poi professore rimanendo legato alle sue origini umili; lo studioso che ha fatto della ricerca una ragione di vita; il professionista che ha avuto il privilegio di lavorare a opere simbolo. Il libro accompagna il lettore in un viaggio nel vento e nell’ingegneria intriso di esperienze umane e professionali che hanno dato luogo a una vita incalzante, varia per interessi e conoscenze, ricca di momenti belli e pregni di tensione, generosa per i risultati ottenuti e per gli insegnamenti ricevuti.”

L’evento si svolgerà solamente in presenza, previa registrazione via mail a

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International Advanced School – October 4-8, 2021, Genova, Italy

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PhD position on “Damage survey, analysis and prediction of windstorms”

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Book – Wind Science and Engineering

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Prof. Solari at TEDxGenova

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Prof. Giovanni Solari awarded with an ERC AdG 2016 for the project THUNDERR

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